Hungdao 6 Pcs Weighted Plyo Training Balls Review

Hungdao 6 Pcs Weighted Plyo Training Balls Review

If you are looking for a way to improve your throwing and pitching skills, you might want to consider using weighted plyo training balls. These are specially designed balls that vary in weight and size, and can help you develop more power, accuracy, and efficiency in your arm action. In this article, we will review one of the popular products in this category: the Hungdao 6 Pcs Weighted Plyo Training Balls. We will also compare it with some similar products and provide some customer feedback. : Hungdao 6 Pcs Weighted Plyo Training Balls 3.5 to 32 oz Variable Plyo Weighted Balls Practice Weighted Baseball Weighted Ball Set for Throwing Pitching Power Improving Accessories, 6 Colors : Sports & Outdoors

Product Details

A set of six weighted baseballs in different colors, ranging in weight from 3.5 to 32 ounces. The balls are made of durable rubber and have a textured surface for a good grip. They are perfect for plyometric training, which is a type of exercise that involves jumping and other explosive movements. The balls can also be used for general strength and conditioning exercises.

The Hungdao 6 Pcs Weighted Plyo Training Balls is a set of six balls that range from 3.5 oz to 32 oz in weight. The balls are made of durable PVC material and filled with iron sand inside. The balls have different colors to indicate their weights: red (3.5 oz), orange (5 oz), yellow (7 oz), cyan (16 oz), blue (21 oz), and gray (32 oz). The balls have a soft surface that can withstand repeated pitching and throwing without breaking or deforming. The balls come in two sizes: the gray ball has a diameter of 4 inches, while the rest have a diameter of 2.8 inches.

Product Features

The Hungdao 6 Pcs Weighted Plyo Training Balls has several features that make it a useful tool for baseball players of all levels. Some of the features are:

– Variable weights: The different weights of the balls allow you to adjust the intensity and difficulty of your training according to your needs and goals. You can start with lighter balls and gradually increase the weight as you progress. You can also use different weights for different drills and exercises.

A set of six weighted plyo training balls in various colors, ranging in weight from 3.5 to 32 ounces. The balls are made of durable PVC and filled with iron sand, making them ideal for a variety of exercises.

– Instant feedback: The weighted balls provide immediate feedback on your performance. You can easily tell if you hit the ball squarely or not by observing the flight and distance of the ball. A well-hit ball will fly farther and straighter than a poorly-hit one. This helps you correct your mistakes and improve your mechanics.
– Versatility: The weighted balls can be used for various purposes, such as warming up, recovering, strengthening, and enhancing your skills. You can use them for throwing, pitching, hitting, or catching drills. You can use them at home, school, playground, gym, or anywhere else.
– Portability: The weighted balls are easy to carry and store. They come with a mesh bag that can hold all six balls. You can take them with you wherever you go and practice anytime you want.

Product Benefits

The Hungdao 6 Pcs Weighted Plyo Training Balls can offer several benefits for baseball players who use them regularly and correctly. Some of the benefits are:

– Improved arm health: The weighted balls can help you prevent injuries and reduce fatigue by strengthening your arm muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. They can also improve your blood circulation and flexibility in your arm.
– Increased velocity: The weighted balls can help you increase your throwing and pitching speed by developing more force and power in your arm. They can also improve your arm path and efficiency by teaching you a smoother and cleaner motion.
– Enhanced accuracy: The weighted balls can help you improve your throwing and pitching accuracy by improving your coordination, timing, balance, and control. They can also help you adjust your release point and angle according to the weight of the ball.
– Boosted confidence: The weighted balls can help you boost your confidence and self-esteem by showing you tangible results of your hard work and dedication. They can also help you overcome fear and anxiety by challenging you to step out of your comfort zone.

Product Application

The Hungdao 6 Pcs Weighted Plyo Training Balls is suitable for baseball players of all ages, levels, and positions. Whether you are a beginner, amateur, or professional, you can benefit from using these balls in your training routine. Whether you are a pitcher, catcher, infielder, or outfielder, you can use these balls to improve your specific skills.

A set of six weighted balls in various colors, ranging in weight from 3.5 to 32 ounces. The balls are used for plyometric training, which is a type of exercise that involves jumping and bounding. The balls can be used to improve speed, agility, and power.

To use these balls effectively, you need to follow some guidelines and precautions:

– Consult with your coach or trainer before using these balls to make sure they are appropriate for your goals and abilities.
– Start with lighter balls and lower intensity before moving on to heavier balls and higher intensity.
– Warm up properly before using these balls to avoid injuries and strains.
– Use proper form and technique when using these balls to avoid bad habits and injuries.
– Do not overuse these balls or use them exclusively in your training. Balance them with other tools and methods to optimize your performance.
– Rest adequately between sessions and recover properly after using these balls to prevent overtraining and fatigue.

Product Comparison

A set of six weighted baseballs in different colors, ranging in weight from 3.5 to 32 ounces. The balls are made of durable rubber and have a textured surface for a better grip. They are perfect for plyometric training, which is a type of exercise that involves jumping and other explosive movements.

To help you make an informed decision, we will compare the Hungdao 6 Pcs Weighted Plyo Training Balls with some similar products on the market:

Product Price Number of Balls Weights Sizes Material
Hungdao 6 Pcs Weighted Plyo Training Balls $30.99 6 3.5 oz, 5 oz, 7 oz, 16 oz, 21 oz, 32 oz 2.8 inches, 4 inches PVC and iron sand
GoSports Plyometric Weighted Balls $29.99 6 3.5 oz, 5 oz, 7 oz, 14 oz, 21 oz, 32 oz 2.8 inches PVC and iron sand
SunNordic Plyometric Weighted Baseball Set $39.99 6 3.5 oz, 16 oz, 35 oz, 53 oz, 70 oz 2.8 inches, 3.5 inches, 4 inches PVC and iron sand
Plyo Soft Shell Weighted Ball Set $59.95 6 3.5 oz, 5 oz, 7 oz, 14 oz, 21 oz, 32 oz 2.8 inches Rubber and iron sand

As you can see, the Hungdao product has a similar price and features as the GoSports product, but it has a slightly different weight distribution and an extra size option. The SunNordic product has a higher price and heavier weights than the other products, which may be more suitable for advanced players. The Plyo product has the highest price and the same weights as the GoSports product, but it has a different material that may be more durable and comfortable.

Product Reviews

To give you a better idea of what customers think of the Hungdao product, we have selected some representative reviews from Amazon:

– “I bought these balls for my son who is a pitcher in high school. He loves them and uses them every day for his warm-up and recovery. He says they help him improve his arm strength and velocity. He also likes the different colors and sizes of the balls.”
– “These balls are great for throwing and hitting drills. They are well-made and sturdy, and they provide instant feedback on your performance. They are also easy to carry and store in the mesh bag. I would recommend them to anyone who wants to improve their baseball skills.”
– “I am not very satisfied with these balls. They are too soft and squishy for my liking, and they do not fly very far or straight when I hit them. They also have some seams that are coming apart after a few uses. I wish they were more solid and durable.”


The Hungdao product is a good option for baseball players who want to use weighted plyo training balls to enhance their throwing and pitching skills. It has a reasonable price and a variety of weights and sizes to suit different needs and goals. It also has a durable material and a convenient mesh bag for easy transport and storage.

However, this product may not be suitable for everyone. Some customers may prefer a different material or weight distribution for their training balls. Some customers may also experience some quality issues with the balls after repeated use.

Therefore, before buying this product, you should consider your own preferences and expectations, as well as compare it with other similar products on the market.

If you are interested in buying the Hungdao product, you can click on this link to purchase it from Amazon.


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